Saturday, August 6, 2011


I had a job a few years back that required a lot of driving.  Usually 2-3 hours of driving most days of the week.   Sometimes I would end up driving up to 8 hours or more depending on what was being asked of me.   Obviously, as you can imagine, drives of that length on open roads in a place like Montana can get pretty boring.  One particular day I was on the road by 8 A.M. heading to a town that was about 6 hours away.  I got to the town, did the job I was assigned to do for most of the day and proceeded back home in the early evening.  I now had a full 6 hour drive back home to look forward to.  I have found that, just like The Count of Monte Cristo when he was trapped in the Château d'If , you can only entertain yourself in so many ways when you are alone.  You can only listen to so much AM Radio before the combination of Sean Hannity and NPR makes you want to start up a protest rally against yourself.   You can only sing the Tetris theme song so many different ways before you aren’t even funny to yourself anymore.  There is only so much gold you can dig for in your nose before the mine is tapped.  Honking your horn at cows is just dumb and talking to yourself is just as pointless.  There is, however, one thing you can NEVER get bored of doing while driving on long trips with nothing to do.  CAR JACKING, and I don’t mean the stopped-at-a-red-light-in-Newark-New Jersey-at-2 o’clock-in-the morning type of carjacking.  So, there I am… it’s just after midnight, I’m still about an hour and a half away from home, and I’m driving at a smooth 95 miles an hour in the company dodge stratus.  I manage to strip down to just my socks, while driving.  Hey, don’t look at me like that; just undressing at that speed took a good 10 minutes of time off the trip.  Well worth it, in my opinion.  I then proceed with “Operation Purple Mushroom”.   I typically yell at myself the whole time, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!”, as it helps me keep the rhythm plus I love that children’s nursery story; what’s it called again?….That’s right, The Little Engine that Could, thanks for reminding me.  Anyways, so at this point I’m sweating my ass off.  I cannot remember the last time I looked at the road and get concerned that I might be missing something.  I look up just in time to see the HERD of deer, yes I said HERD, that are crossing the road about 40 feet in front of me.  If I had to guess I’d estimate 80 deer in length, and about 10 deer deep.  I have no time to react, stop, speed up, or anything.  Amazingly, a small gap, about 8 feet wide, opens in the HERD and I barrel right through the hole like a gay guy in an ass fucking contest.  Deer heads clipped my right side mirror they were so close on either side and I burst out the other side; the herd once again disappearing into the night.  At this point I immediately ejaculate!  To be honest with you, despite almost plowing into a wall of deer, butt naked, at 95 miles an hour, in the company car, in bum fuck Montana, while jacking off, that was probably the best masturbation EVER!  I’ll tell you what though, coming so close to death in a Dodge Stratus will make you appreciate cumming all over yourself in a Dodge Stratus.    


  1. Nice save. Here is an idea that might make circumstances like the one you described a little less hazardous...


  2. least I'm not drinking and driving right? :D

  3. You're right. Not as bad as drinking and driving. A little more out of the ordinary though. Seems like married life hasn't dulled you one bit. R
