In my factory on Isla Grande, I have over 17,000 workers to whom I pay a reasonable wage of .20 cents a day with benefits such as free toilet usage, free water, and healthcare which consists of all the Tylenol and Airborne tablets they want. In fact, I employ a large portion of the towns of Ushuaia and Porvenir, and Patitiri on Alonissos, as well. Their jobs are simple, I have about 300 loom operators that take the raw material and weave it into thread and then into clothing. The other 16,700 workers are those that collect the material. They obtain this, the finest of all threads, directly from belly buttons of the indigenous population. I have an army of people who, on a daily basis, like milking cows or collecting chicken eggs, harvest belly button lint (navel fluff if you’re Canadian), the finest fabric known to man. I recently had my loomers weave a pair of socks for me out of the combined lint of 32 people for a quality control test. Those socks were so soft and supple that the moment I put them on, I ejaculated in my pants. In fact, that is part of my pitch to the customer. [Make sure to add a little happy jingle as you say it] “If you put on some BB socks, you’ll jizz out your cocks.” Catchy ain’t it? I’m not completely sure of the science involved, but my textilologist, Armando Chiaguapo Villegas, assures me that it’s the tight packing of the lint, combined with oils from the body, sweat, heat, and time. That creates fabric that is smoother and more luxurious than silk and cashmere combined. My line should be out in stores this fall keep your eyes peeled.
Very likely the most unique and awesome blog on the planet. If you removed my testicles, pounded them into paste, mixed that scrotal paste with some gelatin powder, poured it into a dish, let it harden into jello, then cut just one 1 inch x 1 inch cube out of it, then carved out the skull cavity of an aardvark and replaced its brain with my nutello cube you'd have one bad ass muhfucking aardvark!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
bb fashion,
belly button,
isla grande,
navel fluff,
tierra del fuego,
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Got to love cheap labor. One time when my brother was in Korea, he visited a sweatshop and bought me a Washington Redskins jersey that looks like an authentic $200 or $300 jersey, but it only cost $15. Good stuff. R