Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cat Ass Licking

Watching my cat, with it's leg whipped up over it's shoulder to facilitate the furious assh&*le licking that it feels is an absolute hourly necessity, is absolutely mezmerizing. I don't know what it is that keeps my attention so intently. Maybe I need to get out more....hmm.  The poor cat is gonna lick the chocolate starfish clean off it’s rear-end if it keeps going at it, like when you get a stamp TOO wet and it won’t stick and just slides around.


  1. All things considered, I prefer cats to dogs. Cats are much lower maintenance. You don't have to walk them. They know where they are supposed to take a dump, and they clean themselves (as you pointed out above). R

  2. That, I have found through having 5 cats is a debatable point. I used to think cats were low maintenance but I'm not so sure anymore. For cats you have to feed them, comb them, clip them, change their litter box, play with them, talk happy talk with them, and generally cater to their needs. If you leave them outside they get run over by cars or falcons snatch them up. For dogs, you can leave them outside in the freezing cold and they love it, they are impervious to cars, you don't have to feed them cause they eat their own poop (cats won't, I've tried), and you never need to wash them. They are completely self sufficient shit, my dog just died...what the F!?

  3. Growing up, I had an outdoor cat on a two acre lawn in rural Brookeville. He was fine in the cold, and he knew how to bury his own shit. I thought that was money. R

  4. That IS money! 2 acres is a lot of land for a cat. My cat's used to have that kind of luxury up here in Montana until I had two of them snatched up by falcons in the same month. Those fucking falcons! I go through cats like a hemophiliac girl goes through tampons when she has her period.
