Thursday, September 29, 2011


I have this female neighbor whose bedroom is easily within view from my upstairs bedroom.  At night, around 6pm she goes up to her bedroom and proceeds to undress, in full view of everyone from her window.  She gets butt naked.  I watch her most nights in the cover of darkness.  So, last night I was peeping, as I usually do.  She was doing her usual thing; halter top off; shorts slid down; steps out of them; bra unclipped and removed; panties drop and then she heads out of view for a couple minutes to grab her iPod and comb for her hair.  So she went out of view and I had a few minutes to sit there, like always.  Out of anticipating boredom I start scanning the other houses in the immediate vicinity thinking I might get lucky and notice another backup nude chick.  I’m looking and looking and looking and….hey….what the?….  I winced my eyes to focus my night vision a little better and notice that just across the way there is another window with some jackass doing the same thing that I am!  Motherfucker!  I curse at him from my darkened bedroom perch, “Get your own god damn voyeur chick, this one is mine!” For the next 20 minutes the girl is combing her hair and rubbing lotion on herself, as usual, but I can’t fucking enjoy MYSELF because dickhead pervert across the way is obviously enjoying HIMSELF by how his window is steaming up.  What a PERVERT!  I was so distraught from the experience that I decided if he insists on looking as well, then I’ll have the better view, at least, and went out and bought a small pair of hunting binoculars the next day.  That night was pretty nice; the binos worked great.  I could see the color of her eyes now and that the tattoo on her inner hip was a pair of cherries, obviously indicating that she must like eating that particular fruit.  I looked over at that fucking douche bag with a smug smile and he knew there was no way he could see even close to the detail that I was.  The next night I was excited to use my binos again until I was shocked to see that Fuckstick now had a larger and obviously more expensive pair of binoculars of his own!  Asshole!  I wonder what the fuck he’s seeing with those things?!  Shit!  I hope he can’t see that ornament attached to her belly button ring with those!  The next night I came with guns-a-blazon.  I stole my nephew’s Junior Astronomer Telescope from his bedroom and it opened up a whole new world.  I could see individual strands of hair being combed, goose bumps on her breasts from the chill of her air conditioner, and finally the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle ornament on her belly button ring!  Fantastic! …….wait a minute… that?  No! That motherfucker!  How did he know that….?  Look at the size of that telescope he’s got!!  It’s gotta be 5 feet long and a diameter of 2 feet!  You could see an alien’s dick on Neptune with that fucking thing.  What the hell is he looking at? Her DNA!?  I was sick and tired of this faggul’s antics!  So, I decided to just eliminate the competition rather than try and outsmart him.  You can’t get soft when it comes to these perverts.  He was looking at me with his fucking smug and cocky little face, thinking he’d won.  That is until the lights suddenly kicked on in his bedroom and two police officers, who got an anonymous tip about a peeping tom at that address, came and took him away.  Surprise shithead!  That dipshit should have known that when you throw one steak in front of two dogs that only one is gonna walk away full.  Fuck him! Now back to the show.

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