Saturday, August 25, 2012


I was visiting my friend last weekend who works at the University of Florida’s McGuire Center for Lepidoptera.  Mark, my friend, is himself a Lepidopterist (a person who studies moths and butterflies).  I first met him while he was completing his Doctoral Thesis several years ago.  Since I was heading into the area I figured I’d give him a call and was glad that I did.  Mark expressed to me that the McGuire Center was having a hard time, lately, getting as much funding as they were used to due to the Recession.  He wanted me to come by and see a revolutionary and unique fund raising program that they had been implementing.  So I did. 
      When I got there he greeted me outside the entrance to the McGuire Center and we started meandering through the facility until we got to a door that had a small placard above saying “massage therapy”.  Upon entering there were seven different rooms within and a receptionist desk.  I asked Mark why there was a massage therapy clinic in the McGuire Center and he simply replied with “Trust me Rusty, this will blow your mind” and instructed me into the first room.  He gave me a small spritzer bottle and told me that once inside I should take my clothes off, lay on the massage table face up, spray my genital area with one or two sprays from the spritzer and relax.  So I did.  
      Once I had stripped, sprayed my junk, and started to relax to the music of Enya, that was playing, I was becoming increasingly curious as to how this was a fund raiser for a Lepidoptera center.  Then I started to hear a gradually increasing sound of fluttering coming from three vents situated in the ceiling.  In a rush the vents spewed forth thousands of moths that began swirling around the room like a tornado.  Before I even had a chance to try and comprehend what was happening they began, in waves, to dive bomb down and over my cock and balls.  Again and again thousands of fluttering wings cascaded across my testicles and my now rock hard baby juice injector.  It was the single most exhilarating moment of my life.  I almost immediately busted a nut so hard that the force and volume of the ejaculate hit thousands of the passing moths sending them crashing to the floor.  It was like a German artillery barrage on an attacking American bomber run in WWII except the American bombers were moths and the Nazi’s were firing semen! 
      After about fifteen minutes an intercom system voiced by the seductive receptionist instructed me to cloth myself and exit the room.  Mark was waiting outside and told me that the spritzer was female moth pheromones.  He said that he had, in just six months, raised over 2 million dollars for the McGuire Center and opened up a whole new field of research in the process with his venture.  I congratulated him on his success and invited him to lunch, but didn’t tell him I had kept the spritzer and hand full of moths for later.  Have a great week, Rusty out.

Friday, August 24, 2012


With the December 2012 apocalypse looming, I have been doing a lot of thinking about my loyalties.  Let’s assume that when the aliens land on Earth their plan is to eliminate the scourge of human insects that have infested their planet all these thousands of years.  The dilemma I have is who would my loyalties be to?  Do I stick it out with my guns and defend against the overwhelming alien force with the last remaining survivors of the planet?  Do I go out in a blaze of glory to demonstrate to the aliens that although they have us beat when it comes to fire power we, as humans, have heart and courage?  Am I standing there side by side with the ragged last rebel  group firing round after round with reckless abandon only to cease my assault when the aliens' energy weapons vaporize the liquid in my body turning me to dust?...... FUCK NO!  I have zero loyalty to the human race AT ALL!  Human’s are shit heads; fuck um!  The VERY first thing I would do is pledge my allegiance to the first alien I saw and to prove it, as I’m sure they’d want a demonstration of my loyalty, by curb stomping the first person I saw.  Then the aliens, impressed by my turncoat mentality, would hand me one of their energy weapons to assist in the decimation of the humans.  The next phase of the alien occupation campaign would be to round up the useful humans such as those that are built well for labor and as breeding vessels.  With the elimination phase over, the human race dropped to its knees, and the occupation phase commencing I would then, having proved my loyalty, surrender myself as a breeding vessel.  The reason I would surrender myself is because with my proven reliability and willingness to aid the alien cause I would not just be a standard breeding vessel but would be one of the upper echelon breeding vessels.  Now I know what you’re thinking…”But Rusty, how can you be a breeding vessel? You aren’t female”?  I would then shatter your preconceived notions of alien breeding practices.  As I’m sure you would know had you been watching the show “Ancient Aliens” on the History Channel, the aliens’ physiology and means of reproducing is incompatible with the human female reproductive tract.  Only human males can become breeding vessels.  The human male anus and the human male urethra are the only suitable body cavities for alien fetal growth.  So I would have my anus implanted with upwards of 60 alien fetal pods and my urethra with up to 12.  The great thing is that all I have to do is sit in a comfortable breeding room in the alien home planet’s maternal facility.  Now granted with that many butt babies and cabies (pronounced KAY-BEEZ, which is short for cock babies) growing in me I would look like a bloated termite queen but I get all the mochtar (alien version of Chinese dumplings), Lookra(a delicious spiny fruit on their planet), and Globpus (A fat gelatinous worm that takes some getting used to but with some paprika and lime tastes like a cross between a deviled egg and a Del Taco fish taco, both of which I love) that I can eat.  The only downside is giving birth but once you get used to it and your orifices get more flexible the pods just basically fall out.  My dick would look like a dead elephant’s trunk that some kid set off a pipe bomb in the end of it but, hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  So get ready cause those aliens are coming.  You need to decide whose side you’ll be on cause I already know where my loyalties lie.     

Sunday, August 19, 2012


After reaching ejaculatory climax this morning I got to thinking….  How much have I ejaculated since I started masturbating?  I figured that I must have busted enough nuts to repopulate the entire population of the United States.  So I sat down and went through the math.

AVERAGE VOLUME OF SEMEN PER EJACULATE:  About 2 milliliters to 6 milliliters. So lets just split that and say that my average ejaculate is about 4 milliliters.
NUMBER OF TIMES OF DAY:  With that number (4 ml) I will take the EXTREMELY low ball number of one time a day.  (My record in one day is 13 times just to give you an idea of how low ball once a day is but that’s a story for another day)
AMOUNT OF EJACULATE PER WEEK:  4 ml X 7 days a week = 28 ml
AMOUNT OF EJACULATE PER MONTH:  28 ml X 4 weeks = 112 ml
AMOUNT OF EJACULATE PER YEAR: 112 ml X 12 months = 1344 ml (keep in mind that a one liter bottle of soda is 1000 ml)
AMOUNT OF EJACULATE SINCE I WAS 12 years old (roughly when I started full time): 1344 ml X 22 years = 29,568 ml  (That’s over 29 full one liter bottles full of semen).
APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF SPERM PRODUCED SINCE I WAS 12 YEARS OLD: 28,568ml X 280 million (average amount of sperm per ejaculate) = 8,279,040,000,000 (8.27 Trillion sperm)
CURRENT UNITED STATES POPULATION AS OF TODAY: 314,189,172 (over 324 million)
CURRENT WORLD POPULATION AS OF TODAY:  7,033,713,687 (over 7 Billion people)

So after doing the math I could easily repopulate the entire United States population and potentially the entire World population by myself.  So ladies, since the Mayan calendar proves that the World is going to end in December of 2012, how bout it?  I am ready and willing to fill your gas tanks, top off your reservoir, plug your dyke, be the pig in your blanket, stuff your turkey, pack your bags, lube your gears, cream coat your cookies, butter your bread, plaster your pelvic girdle, soak your spunge, circumnavigate your cervix, flog your fallopian tubes, baste your baby maker, over-easy your eggs, dredge your canal, if you know what I mean….  Repopulate the United States?  Shit, I wouldn’t even break a sweat but the child support would be a bitch!

***Just as a side note if I were to have been donating sperm and getting paid for it I calculated that too.  

AVERAGE AMOUNT PAID PER SPERM DONATION: $40 dollars to $206 dollars (So I realize my sperm, being obviously of a superior stock, would be at the high end, but lets just go with the low ball amount of $40 dollars)
AMOUNT OF EJACULATE SINCE I WAS 18 YEARS OLD (of legal age to sell my baby gravy) = 1344 ml (yearly amount) X 16 years= 24, 192 ml
AMOUNT OF SINGLE SERVINGS OF EJACULATE SINCE 18 YEARS OLD: 24,192 divided by 4(ml)= 6,048 times
AMOUNT OF MONEY MADE SINCE I WAS OF LEGAL AGE (18 years old) AT THE RATE OF $40 DOLLARS PER NUT:  6,048 times ejaculated since 18 years old X $40 dollars =   $241,920 dollars!!!  What the fuck!!  To think I could have been cashing in this whole time!  Shit, I better start saving those happy socks cause they are all worth at least a $1,000 each!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


So I was skimming through the videos on a Transsexual porn site the other day and I discovered something about myself.  I found that I am a very discriminating tranny porn watcher.  I always thought that anything goes with me but it turns out I have a very narrow bandwidth when it comes to chicks with dicks.  I don’t really care for seeing a tranny pounding out a regular guy cause that’s just gay, unless I’m in a sadistic mood.  I am also not big on solo tranny masturbation scenes, but I am a big fan of tranny masturbation during reverse cowboy.  In fact, reverse cowboy is one of the only tranny porn parts that I care to watch other than a tranny railing a regular female.  I dunno, something about the tranny’s dick flopping around in reverse cowboy does it for me.  Now that I think about it, I am also a big fan of “dick surprise” tranny porn.  I know, I know, it’s all just staged but when you have “good” actors in tranny porn that can play off that they are surprised and shocked about being hoodwinked into tranny sex it makes it so much better.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then let me explain.  It’s simple; guy comes into hotel room with “girl”, guy and girl start foreplay, guy pulls down girls pants and her cock is bigger than his;  SURPRISE!!  It’s the best!  Then guy gets his ass carved out by previously mentioned well endowed girl.  At that point I skip through the gay parts to the reverse cowboy scene and might stay around for the finish, if I’m not finished already.  Have a great weekend!