Saturday, August 25, 2012


I was visiting my friend last weekend who works at the University of Florida’s McGuire Center for Lepidoptera.  Mark, my friend, is himself a Lepidopterist (a person who studies moths and butterflies).  I first met him while he was completing his Doctoral Thesis several years ago.  Since I was heading into the area I figured I’d give him a call and was glad that I did.  Mark expressed to me that the McGuire Center was having a hard time, lately, getting as much funding as they were used to due to the Recession.  He wanted me to come by and see a revolutionary and unique fund raising program that they had been implementing.  So I did. 
      When I got there he greeted me outside the entrance to the McGuire Center and we started meandering through the facility until we got to a door that had a small placard above saying “massage therapy”.  Upon entering there were seven different rooms within and a receptionist desk.  I asked Mark why there was a massage therapy clinic in the McGuire Center and he simply replied with “Trust me Rusty, this will blow your mind” and instructed me into the first room.  He gave me a small spritzer bottle and told me that once inside I should take my clothes off, lay on the massage table face up, spray my genital area with one or two sprays from the spritzer and relax.  So I did.  
      Once I had stripped, sprayed my junk, and started to relax to the music of Enya, that was playing, I was becoming increasingly curious as to how this was a fund raiser for a Lepidoptera center.  Then I started to hear a gradually increasing sound of fluttering coming from three vents situated in the ceiling.  In a rush the vents spewed forth thousands of moths that began swirling around the room like a tornado.  Before I even had a chance to try and comprehend what was happening they began, in waves, to dive bomb down and over my cock and balls.  Again and again thousands of fluttering wings cascaded across my testicles and my now rock hard baby juice injector.  It was the single most exhilarating moment of my life.  I almost immediately busted a nut so hard that the force and volume of the ejaculate hit thousands of the passing moths sending them crashing to the floor.  It was like a German artillery barrage on an attacking American bomber run in WWII except the American bombers were moths and the Nazi’s were firing semen! 
      After about fifteen minutes an intercom system voiced by the seductive receptionist instructed me to cloth myself and exit the room.  Mark was waiting outside and told me that the spritzer was female moth pheromones.  He said that he had, in just six months, raised over 2 million dollars for the McGuire Center and opened up a whole new field of research in the process with his venture.  I congratulated him on his success and invited him to lunch, but didn’t tell him I had kept the spritzer and hand full of moths for later.  Have a great week, Rusty out.

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