Friday, October 7, 2011


I met a man the other day named Faraji.  He is a Swahili man who immigrated to America from Tanzania.  Faraji  used to be in an elite branch of the now struggling Tanzania People’s Defence Force (TPDF), which is basically the country of Tanzania’s army.  We shared the cab fare to the airport and he told me a fascinating story about a very precarious situation he was in during the Uganda-Tanzania War of 1978-1979.  He was recalling how he was stuck on the top floor of a 3 story building in a city called Kimpala.  Out in the streets surrounding the building was a large group of well armed Ugandan soldiers.  He and a couple Libyan troops who were there with him were keeping the Ugandans at bay.  One of the men, however, was shot and soon died and the other was partially blinded by shrapnel.  So it was basically just him up there against a horde of Ugandans who seemed determined to try and wait him out from below.  He noticed that the floor that he was on must have been some sort of pet adoption agency or a kennel or something.  There were small dogs walking around aimlessly everywhere.  Faraji said there were at least 20 of them no bigger than a Pomeranian or a Scottish terrier in size.   After two days of waiting out the Ugandans and tending to the one blind Libyan soldier, the Ugandans grew impatient.  They began hurling bottles of what he described as a pepper spray type agent, but far more potent, in through the windows.  The smell was so intense that he gagged and threw up.  His eyes burned, his nose was bleeding, and his lungs were on fire.  He thought he was going to die for sure as he could barely breathe but didn’t want to give the Ugandans the satisfaction of his surrender.  They pummeled the floor he was on again, and again, and again with bottles of the noxious gas.  Bottles shattering so frequently against every wall and surface around him that it sounded like a hundred thousand coins had been dropped onto a trampoline.  After what seemed like forever the Ugandans abruptly stopped.  The gases slowly started to dissipate revealing the carnage caused by so much toxic air.  His blind brother-in-arms didn’t stand a chance.  He was defenseless against the onslaught and died of asphyxiation.   14 of the 20 small dogs had suffocated or succumbed to the poisonous fumes as well.  Faraji was still determined to stand his ground and held fast for two more days against the Ugandans.  Finally, he ran out of ammunition and was completely out of supplies.  Apparently the opposing force outside must have sensed Faraji’s gradually deteriorating situation; their plan for waiting him out was working.  The officer in charge of the horde outside ordered his men to take the building.  Men clamored up the stairwells, making their way towards his level.  Faraji, in a panic, and defenseless, looked around for a weapon of any kind to use.  He then noticed the 6 dogs that were still alive, but particularly, all the dead ones.  He grabbed one dead dog that was well into the stiffening stages of rigor mortis.  Like reshaping a metal coat hanger he bent all four stiff legs in-line with the body, straightened the back and the head into a point.  He managed to mold seven dogs in that way and was well into finishing his eighth one when the first three Ugandan soldiers kicked the door in.  Faraji wasted no time and grabbed two stiff-as-a-board dogs, one in each hand.  Like a Louisville slugger he cracked the first soldier in his temple crushing in the side of his head with a pomeranian, killing him instantly.  The second soldier died instantly, as well, as a rigid weiner dog spear was plunged doggie-shoulder deep into his chest.  The third soldier attempted to capitalize on the fact that Faraji was occupied with the other two soldiers and lunged at him with a knife.  Faraji saw him and swung around, back handing his throat with a Shi tzu, crushing his wind pipe.  The Ugandan fell to the ground wincing in pain and gasping for air as the few living dogs left pounced on him and ate his face off!  Faraji continued crushing the continuous tide of Ugandan soldiers that gushed out onto the third floor.  He smashed faces,  skulls, and rib cages with each dead dog until there nothing left but a floppy blood sack.  Then he’d toss it and grab the next stiff one and push on.  Faraji, by the end of the day, killed 35 Ugandan soldiers with 8 dead dogs ranging from Pomeranians to weiner dogs.  Needless to say, after a story like that, I paid the whole cab fare when we got to the airport because this motherfucker was either bat shit crazy or the baddest son-of-a-bitch on the planet.  I say screw Chuck Norris, if you can kill a squad of Ugandan soldiers with dead rigor mortis stiff dogs as weapons then you’re on a new level of bad ass.


  1. Fuck yeah dead dog kill squad.

  2. Oh hell yeah. The DDKS doesn't fuck around. They'll football punt a chihuahua up your ass so hard it'll pop out of your skull like a jack-in-the-box. What you probably didn't know is that the DDKS is actually a militant offshoot of PETA that broke away in 1996. Hard to believe, I know. Food for thought....
